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  1. Liquor Licensing Reform

  2. Local Option Taxation (Read more below)

  3. Urban Redevelopment Agency Legislative Challenges

  4. Public Transportation Funding

  5. City of Boise Zoning Code Rewrite

  6. Front and Myrtle Alternative Study (Read more below)

  7. Downtown Parking and Rates

  1. Ada County Final Plat Process (Read more below)

  2. F35 Mission

  3. St. Luke’s Master Plan

  4. Boise Open Space Levy

  5. Boise School District Bond Election

  6. Downtown Cruising

  7. ACHD Local Street Standards Revision

  8. 5th & 6th Streets Conversion to Two-Way

  9. Boise Transportation Action Plan

  10. Boise Sports Park (Downtown Stadium)

  11. Downtown Circulator study

  12. Downtown Parking and Rates

  13. Public Transportation Funding

  14. Boise Public Library Redevelopment

  15. Main & Idaho Bike Lanes

  16. Urban Redevelopment Agency Legislative Challenges

Front and Myrtle Alternative Study

The Front and Myrtle corridor, a one-way couplet comprising ten travel lanes, creates a dilemma for downtown Boise.  The corridor is an essential transportation corridor for economic development in the downtown area, providing convenient and direct access to and from the Connector, not only for commuters from West Valley communities but also for the delivery of goods to Boise. But, the couplet also creates a significant barrier to north-south connectivity along its entire length impacting both people and businesses.


The Boise Elevated Board concluded there was an immediate need for an informed discussion involving the downtown business community about a vision for the Front and Myrtle corridor. In 2015, Boise Elevated engaged over two dozen businesses and others and confirmed the concern for pedestrian and cyclist safety in the corridor and the psychological barrier for retailers in BoDo as well as south of Myrtle St. The Board helped facilitate planning for the Front and Myrtle Alternative Study that was completed in late 2017. Boise Elevated will continue to be engaged as the alternatives are evaluated by transportation agencies, businesses, residents, and the public.

Ada County Final Plat Process

Boise Elevated undertook an initiative in mid-2016 to improve the Ada County final plat process to benefit the public and private sectors by implementing modifications to public agency policies and practices where appropriate. Boise Elevated formed a Work Group comprised of elected officials, staff from Ada County, ACHD, Boise, Garden City, Eagle, Meridian, and Kuna, and representatives from the development industry.

The anticipated benefits included:

  1. Reducing costs from the current lengthy process and surety requirements that are passed onto consumers

  2. Expanding construction employment and other economic multipliers that result from speeding new construction

  3. Accelerating sales tax and impact fee collection

  4. Quicker placement of developed property on the tax role


The Work Group has engaged collaboratively in streamlining and shortening the review and approval process. Among the accomplishments are:

  1. Concurrent review of final plats by Boise with other agencies

  2. Ordinance amendments by ACHD to allow final plat approval and signing without a Commission hearing and to accept bonds as a financial surety

  3. Addition of staff at Ada County to augment final plat technical review plus adjustments to staff roles and responsibilities

  4. Research related to the creation of a digital application and review process


Current Work Group activity is focused on a final plat test case to modify the ACHD – Ada County process that will reduce surety requirements.

Local Option Tax

Boise State University conducted the Third Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey of 1,000 adults living in Idaho from December 2-7, 2017. Attitudes concerning  Local Option Taxation were investigated. This type of taxation is widespread in other states and allows local governments to levy additional sales taxes subject to the vote of the people within the jurisdiction. Currently, only a few resort communities in Idaho have the authority to seek voter approval for a sales tax increase. These communities benefit from added revenue to fund community solutions. The survey revealed that 66% of respondents would support giving every city in the state the authority and a majority would favor the idea in their city if given examples of what the revenue would fund.


The Boise Elevated Board believes that the timing is right to form a state-wide coalition to lobby the Idaho Legislature to pass enabling legislation that allows all cities and counties to seek voter approval for a local option tax. Local governments are closest to the issues related to growth yet have few tools to provide funded solutions.

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